
January, 2012

Jan, 27: Some customers may have experienced intermittent problems today with the decaptcher API. The problem has been resolved.

Jan, 23: We faced a 15 minute outage around 12PM EST due to an emergency maintenance update.

Jan, 09: We experienced a temporary overload due to technical issues around 1pm EST through 5pm. This resulted in higher than usual captcha solve times and rejection rates. The situation has been resolved and we apologize for the inconvenience.

December, 2011

Dec, 13: We had to make an emergency update which caused 10 minutes of downtime around 1PM EST. This update will result in a higher capacity during the usual peak hours (3PM - 6PM EST).

November, 2011

Nov, 07: We may be facing increased solving times today from 1PM-5PM EST (GMT -5). This is due to some religious festivities in our human worker's countries.

October, 2011

Oct, 12: We are experienced technical problems in the afternoon and evening hours server time (EST) that temporarily caused the solve times to be A LOT slower than usual for CERTAIN clients. The issue has been resolved.

September, 2011

Sep, 26: We faced server problems that caused a partial outage in the service from 6:45 PM to 7:30 PM EST (GMT -4). We're currently making changes to prevent this event from happening again in the future.

Sep, 19: We're facing heavy peak-hour overload due to an unexpected decrease in decoding capacity. We estimate that these overload occurrences will be completely solved by Wednesday.

Sep, 15: Due to severe weather in the region we have a shortage of human solvers today. Expect heavy overload during the hours of 1pm to 6pm server time (EST). We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

August, 2011

Aug, 26: At approximately 18:00 server time (EST) some of our clients were unable to connect to our services. The problem has been resolved.

Статус: Высокая нагрузка

Серверы полностью работоспособны, но время отклика может быть временно выше среднего.
  • Среднее время решения
  • 2 секунды - Normal CAPTCHAs (1 мин. назад)
  • 43 секунды - reCAPTCHA V2, V3, etc (1 мин. назад)
  • 17 секунды - hCAPTCHA & другие (1 мин. назад)
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Живая поддержка

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