
August, 2023

Aug, 17: Support for KeyCAPTCHA has been added!! Check the API page at for details.

May, 2023

May, 12: Now accepting TRON (TRX) crypto payouts! Order at NOTE: These packages also have 20 OFF in free credit until June 30! To claim your freebies, please contact us at

April, 2023

Apr, 24: 20% OFF , as free credit, on all the 100K CAPTCHA packages ordered via our Avangate/2Checkout payment processor - Order Now!! Valid until June 30. Contact us with your username and payment details to add the freebies and/or if you have any issues ordering this way.

March, 2023

Mar, 27: 20% OFF, as free credit, on All Crypto Purchases over $100. Valid until June 30! If interested, contact us at with your purchase details.

Mar, 27: 20% OFF , as free credit, on your first $100 spent on CAPTCHA packages! Valid until April 30. You need only contact us at with your purchase details :).

Mar, 27: has been fully optimized to be more mobile-friendly!! You can now seamlessly and effortlessly navigate it to purchase packages, check your balance, etc. from any mobile device.

February, 2023

Feb, 20: RESOLVED - To ensure optimal service availability, there will be a short, scheduled, server maintenance on FEB. 28, between 11:00 - 11:30 A.M, UTC-4. The service may not be available for a few minutes (we estimate no more than 5 minutes) of that time. We appreciate your patience and understanding!

January, 2023

Jan, 04: RESOLVED - At the moment, the service is going through a technical issue that is causing higher than usual solve times/sporadic overloads. We're working hard to minimize the impact of this on your work. We expect things to be back to normal shortly. We appreciate your patience and understanding!

Jan, 03: RESOLVED - Today the service experienced an emergency server update between 8pm-9pm UTC-4. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you. If you were affected by this, please contact us at and we'll compensate you accordingly. We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding.

December, 2022

Dec, 13: RELEASE - Recaptcha V3s via Sockets API is already available. Check out for mode details!

Status: OK

Server beroperasi penuh dengan waktu respons yang lebih cepat dari rata-rata.
  • Waktu penyelesaian rata-rata
  • 1 detik - Normal CAPTCHAs (1 menit. yang lalu)
  • 55 detik - reCAPTCHA V2, V3 (1 menit. yang lalu)
  • 15 detik - yang lain (1 menit. yang lalu)
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Ekstensi browser tersedia


Sistem kami dirancang untuk sepenuhnya ramah pengguna dan mudah digunakan. Jika Anda memiliki masalah dengan itu, cukup email kami diEmail dukungan teknis DBC com, dan agen dukungan akan menghubungi Anda sesegera mungkin.

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