Buat Akun gratis

  • Kata sandi harus berisi yang berikut::
  • Huruf kecil
  • Huruf besar kapital
  • Sebuah angka
  • Sebuah simbol dari simbol-simbol berikut: | . | ? | ! | ' | ; | : |
  • Minimal 8 karakter, Maksimal 26 karakter

Sudah menjadi pengguna? GABUNG

Status: OK

Server beroperasi penuh dengan waktu respons yang lebih cepat dari rata-rata.
  • Waktu penyelesaian rata-rata
  • 2 detik - Normal CAPTCHAs (1 menit. yang lalu)
  • 53 detik - reCAPTCHA V2, V3 (1 menit. yang lalu)
  • 16 detik - yang lain (1 menit. yang lalu)
Chrome and Firefox logos
Ekstensi browser tersedia


  1. Nov 14: RESOLVED - Today we experienced API instability between 18:00hrs & 19:00hrs (GMT-4). The main issue was resolved, so CAPTCHA solving is working as usual, however, there might be some stats anomalies that will shortly be fixed. In the meantime, if you need assistance, contact us at https://deathbycaptcha.com/contact and we'll gladly assist you. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding.
  2. Sep 27: LIMITED WEEK-END PROMOTION! 20% OFF ON 2CHECKOUT PACKAGES IF YOU ORDER BETWEEN SEPT 28 & 29 (GMT-4). Get your CAPTCHAs at https://deathbycaptcha.com/user-pay and then contact us at https://deathbycaptcha.com/contact with your order's detail to claim your freebies!
  3. Sep 13: We experienced a brief login issue today, which has now been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

  4. পূর্ববর্তী আপডেট…


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