
February, 2016

Feb, 02: RESOLVED - We're undergoing an emergency server maintenance that may cause service instability from time to time. We're working hard to ensure your work is not substantially affected by this and we estimate the situation will be sorted shortly. We appreciate your patience and understanding!

January, 2016

Jan, 05: RESOLVED - We're undergoing server upgrades at the moment and thus you may see sporadic service instability from time to time. We're working hard to mitigate this, so your work isn't substantially affected by this. We appreciate your patience and understanding!

December, 2015

Dec, 17: RESOLVED - We successfully increased our capacity during these holidays to better handle your volumes. Unfortunately, we're now forced to undergo some emergency server maintenance to ensure things continue running optimally - this is why you may notice sporadic overloads throughout the day. We're working hard to sort this out ASAP. We appreciate your patience and understanding!

Dec, 03: RESOLVED - We're going through a shortage of workers due holidays in some of our worker's country of origin. This may result in higher than usual solve times/rejections at certain sporadic moments, particularly at morning/afternoon hours (GMT-4). Please, bare with us while we work hard on increasing our capacity - we're taking all necessary measures to do so ASAP. We appreciate your patience and understanding!

November, 2015

Nov, 16: RESOLVED - Our system is going through technical issues at certain morning/noon (GMT-4) hours that are affecting the overall quality of service. Thus you may get higher than usual solve times/rejections at those times. We're working hard to have this solved ASAP (it's our No.1 priority) and estimate we'll have a solution for this within the next 48hrs. We appreciate your patience and understanding! Please, feel free to contact Support if you need additional assistance.

Nov, 10: RESOLVED - Yesterday (Monday 9th) the service experienced some issues - that we have fixed and are not expecting to face again- that may have prevented you from successfully using the service. If you were affected by this, please contact Support and we'll compensate you.

October, 2015

Oct, 12: RESOLVED - The service may experience sporadic high service loads during certain late morning / early afternoon hours (GMT-4). We're taking measures to mitigate this as we speak. We'll do everything within our hands to ensure your work is not substantially affected during these hours. We appreciate your patience and understanding!

Oct, 06: RESOLVED - We're undergoing an emergency server maintenance that's causing higher than usual solve times. We're working very hard to ensure this is sorted as soon as possible and that it doesn't substantially affect your work. Please, contact us if you need any sort of assistance!

August, 2015

Aug, 04: RESOLVED - Due to unexpected demand, the service may experience sporadic higher than usual service loads during certain hours of the day, but most hours should remain unaffected. More capacity is being added after which the situation will return to normal. We appreciate your patience and understanding!

July, 2015

Jul, 22: GOOD NEWS!!! We're now supporting new reCAPTCHA! Visit http://deathbycaptcha.com/user/api/newrecaptcha for more info.

दर्जा: OK

सर्वर औसत प्रतिक्रिया समय की तुलना में तेजी से पूरी तरह से काम कर रहे हैं।
  • औसत समाधान समय
  • 3 सेकंड - Normal CAPTCHAs (1 मिनट। पहले)
  • 28 सेकंड - reCAPTCHA V2, V3, etc (1 मिनट। पहले)
  • 15 सेकंड - hCAPTCHA & अन्य (1 मिनट। पहले)
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ब्राउज़र एक्सटेंशन उपलब्ध


हमारा सिस्टम पूरी तरह से उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल और उपयोग में आसान होने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। अगर आपको इससे कोई परेशानी है, तो बस हमें ईमेल करें डीबीसी तकनीकी सहायता ईमेल कॉम, और एक सहायता एजेंट जल्द से जल्द आपसे संपर्क करेगा।

लाइव सहायता

उपलब्ध सोमवार से शुक्रवार (सुबह 10 बजे से शाम 4 बजे ईएसटी) Live support image. Link to live support page