
Téléchargez les exemples d'exemples basés sur l'API:


Quels sont les défis ATB CAPTCHA?

Ce sont des défis qui nécessitent généralement que l'utilisateur s'aligne et clique sur certaines images.

Pour votre commodité, nous avons mis en œuvre le support de l'API ATB CAPTCHA. Si votre logiciel fonctionne avec lui et prend en charge une configuration minimale, vous devriez être en mesure de décoder les captchas ATB en utilisant Death By CaptCha en un rien de temps.

  • Atb Captcha API: Assisté d'une URL du site et d'un ATB Captcha AppID, l'API renvoie un jeton que vous utiliserez pour soumettre le formulaire dans la page avec le défi ATB CAPTCHA.


Pour le moment, le prix est: 2,89 / 1k ATB CAPTCHA Les défis résolus. Vous ne serez pas facturé pour ATB CAPTCHA signalé comme incorrectement résolu.


Qu'est-ce que l'URL de l'API ATB CAPTCHA ?

Pour utiliser l'API ATB CAPTCHA API , vous devrez envoyer une demande HTTP Post à

Quels sont les paramètres de poste de l'API ATB CAPTCHA ?

  • username: Votre nom d'utilisateur de compte DBC
  • password: Votre mot de passe du compte DBC
  • type=24: Type 24 Spécifie qu'il s'agit d'une ATB CAPTCHA API
  • atb_params=json(payload): les données pour accéder au défi ATB
  • Structure de la charge utile JSON:
    • proxy: Votre URL et références proxy (le cas échéant). Exemples:
    • proxytype: Votre protocole de connexion proxy. Pour savoir quels types de proxy sont pris en charge, consultez Quels sont les types de proxy pris en charge ? Exemple :
      • HTTP
    • appid: La valeur du paramètre appid dans le code source du site Web


      • af23e981b22d000a22e22a230th8991c
    • apiserver: La valeur du paramètre APISERVER dans le code source du site Web
    • pageurl: L'URL de la page avec les défis ATB CAPTCHA. Cette URL doit inclure le chemin dans lequel le captcha ATB est chargé. Exemple: Si l'ATB CAPTCHA que vous souhaitez résoudre est dans, Pageurl doit être et non

    Remarque: Si le proxy est fourni, proxytype est un paramètre requis.

    Exemple complet d'ATB_PARAMS:

        'proxy': 'http://user:[email protected]:1234',
        'proxytype': 'HTTP',
        'appid': 'af23m041b22d543h17e22a730fa70991c',
        'apiserver': '',
        'pageurl': ''

Quelle est la réponse de l'API ATB CAPTCHA ?

La réponse de l'API ATB CAPTCHA a la structure suivante.


Quels types de proxy sont pris en charge?

Actuellement, seuls les proxys http sont pris en charge. La prise en charge d'autres types sera ajoutée à l'avenir.

Utilisation de l'API ATB CAPTCHA avec les clients API:

     * Death by Captcha PHP API atb usage example
     * @package DBCAPI
     * @subpackage PHP

     * DBC API clients
    require_once '../deathbycaptcha.php';

    $username = "username";  // DBC account username
    $password = "password";  // DBC account password
    $token_from_panel = "your-token-from-panel";  // DBC account authtoken

    // Use DeathByCaptcha_SocketClient() class if you want to use SOCKET API.
    $client = new DeathByCaptcha_HttpClient($username, $password);
    $client->is_verbose = true;

    // To use token the first parameter must be authtoken.
    // $client = new DeathByCaptcha_HttpClient("authtoken", $token_from_panel);

    echo "Your balance is {$client->balance} US cents\n";

    // Set the proxy and atb data
    $data = array(
        'proxy' => 'http://user:[email protected]:1234',
        'proxytype' => 'HTTP',
        'appid' => 'af23e041b22d000a11e22a230fa8991c',
        'pageurl' => ''
        'apiserver' => ''
    //Create a json string
    $json = json_encode($data);

    //Put the type and the json payload
    $extra = [
        'type' => 24,
        'atb_params' => $json,

    // Put null the first parameter and add the extra payload
    if ($captcha = $client->decode(null, $extra)) {
        echo "CAPTCHA {$captcha['captcha']} uploaded\n";


        // Poll for CAPTCHA indexes:
        if ($text = $client->get_text($captcha['captcha'])) {
            echo "CAPTCHA {$captcha['captcha']} solved: {$text}\n";

            // Report an incorrectly solved CAPTCHA.
            // Make sure the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly solved!


    # atb
    import deathbycaptcha
    import json

    # Put your DBC account username and password here.
    username = "username"
    password = "password"

    # you can use authtoken instead of user/password combination
    # activate and get the authtoken from DBC users panel
    authtoken = "authtoken"

    # to use socket client
    # client = deathbycaptcha.SocketClient(username, password)

    # to use authtoken
    # client = deathbycaptcha.SocketClient(username, password, authtoken)

    client = deathbycaptcha.HttpClient(username, password)

    # Put the proxy and atb data
    Captcha_dict = {
        'proxy': 'http://user:[email protected]:1234',
        'proxytype': 'HTTP',
        'appid': 'af23e041b22d000a11e22a230fa8991c',
        'pageurl': '',
        'apiserver': ''

    # Create a json string
    json_Captcha = json.dumps(Captcha_dict)

        balance = client.get_balance()

        # Put your CAPTCHA type and Json payload here:
        captcha = client.decode(type=24, atb_params=json_Captcha)
        if captcha:
            # The CAPTCHA was solved; captcha["captcha"] item holds its
            # numeric ID, and captcha["text"] its text token solution.
            print("CAPTCHA %s solved: %s" % (captcha["captcha"], captcha["text"]))

            if '':  # check if the CAPTCHA was incorrectly solved

    except deathbycaptcha.AccessDeniedException:
        # Access to DBC API denied, check your credentials and/or balance
        print("error: Access to DBC API denied, check your credentials and/or balance")


    import com.DeathByCaptcha.AccessDeniedException;
    import com.DeathByCaptcha.Client;
    import com.DeathByCaptcha.HttpClient;
    import com.DeathByCaptcha.SocketClient;
    import com.DeathByCaptcha.Captcha;
    import org.json.JSONObject;


    class Exampleatb {
        public static void main(String[] args)
                throws Exception {

            // Put your DBC username & password or authtoken here:
            String username = "your_username_here";
            String password = "your_password_here";
            String authtoken = "your_authtoken_here";

            /* Death By Captcha Socket Client
               Client client = (Client) (new SocketClient(username, password));
               Death By Captcha http Client */
            Client client = (Client) (new HttpClient(username, password));
            client.isVerbose = true;

            /* Using authtoken
               Client client = (Client) new HttpClient(authtoken); */

            try {
                try {
                    System.out.println("Your balance is " + client.getBalance() + " US cents");
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.out.println("Failed fetching balance: " + e.toString());

                Captcha captcha = null;
                try {
                    // Proxy and atb data
                    String proxy = "http://user:[email protected]:1234";
                    String proxytype = "http";
                    String appid = "af23e041b22d000a11e22a230fa8991c";
                    String pageurl = "";
                    String apiserver = "";
                    //other method is to send a json with the parameters
                    JSONObject json_params = new JSONObject();
                    json_params.put("proxy", proxy);
                    json_params.put("proxytype", proxytype);
                    json_params.put("appid", appid);
                    json_params.put("pageurl", pageurl);
                    json_params.put("apiserver", apiserver);
                    captcha = client.decode(24, json_params);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.out.println("Failed uploading CAPTCHA");
                if (null != captcha) {
                    System.out.println("CAPTCHA " + + " solved: " + captcha.text);

                    /* Report incorrectly solved CAPTCHA if necessary.
                       Make sure you've checked if the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly
                       solved, or else you might get banned as abuser. */
                    /*try {
                        if ( {
                            System.out.println("Reported as incorrectly solved");
                        } else {
                            System.out.println("Failed reporting incorrectly solved CAPTCHA");
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                            "Failed reporting incorrectly solved CAPTCHA: " + e.toString()
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Failed solving CAPTCHA");
            } catch (com.DeathByCaptcha.Exception e) {



    // atb

    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using DeathByCaptcha;

    namespace DBC_Examples.examples
        public class atbEcample
            public void Main()
                // Put your DeathByCaptcha account username and password here.
                string username = "your username";
                string password = "your password";
                // string token_from_panel = "your-token-from-panel";

                /* Death By Captcha Socket Client
                   Client client = (Client) new SocketClient(username, password);
                   Death By Captcha http Client */
                Client client = (Client) new HttpClient(username, password);

                /* To use token authentication the first parameter must be "authtoken".
                Client client = (Client) new HttpClient("authtoken", token_from_panel); */

                // Put your Proxy credentials and type here
                string proxy = "http://user:[email protected]:1234";
                string proxyType = "HTTP";
                string appid = "af23e041b22d000a11e22a230fa8991c";
                string pageurl = "";
                string apiserver = "";

                string atbParams = "{\"proxy\": \"" + proxy + "\"," +
                                          "\"proxytype\": \"" + proxyType + "\"," +
                                          "\"apiserver\": \"" + apiserver + "\"," +
                                          "\"appid\": \"" + appid + "\"," +
                                          "\"pageurl\": \"" + pageurl + "\"}";

                    double balance = client.GetBalance();

                    /* Upload a CAPTCHA and poll for its status.  Put the Token CAPTCHA
                       Json payload, CAPTCHA type and desired solving timeout (in seconds)
                       here. If solved, you'll receive a DeathByCaptcha.Captcha object. */
                    Captcha captcha = client.Decode(Client.DefaultTimeout,
                        new Hashtable()
                            {"type", 24},
                            {"atb_params", atbParams}

                    if (null != captcha)
                        /* The CAPTCHA was solved; captcha.Id property holds
                        its numeric ID, and captcha.Text holds its text. */
                        Console.WriteLine("CAPTCHA {0} solved: {1}", captcha.Id,

    //                  if ( /* check if the CAPTCHA was incorrectly solved */)
    //                  {
    //                      client.Report(captcha);
    //                  }
                catch (AccessDeniedException e)
                    /* Access to DBC API denied, check your credentials and/or balance */
                    Console.WriteLine("### exception : " + e.ToString());


    Imports DeathByCaptcha

    Public Class atb
        Sub Main(args As String())

            ' Put your DBC username & password or authtoken here:
            Dim username = "username"
            Dim password = "password"
            Dim token_from_panel = "your-token-from-panel"

            ' DBC Socket API client
            ' Dim client As New SocketClient(username, password)
            ' DBC HTTP API client
            Dim client As New HttpClient(username, password)

            ' To use token auth the first parameter must be "authtoken"
            ' Dim client As New HttpClient("authtoken", token_from_panel)

            ' Proxy and atb data
            Dim proxy = "http://user:[email protected]:1234"
            Dim proxyType = "HTTP"
            Dim appid = "af23e041b22d000a11e22a230fa8991c"
            Dim pageurl = ""
            Dim apiserver = ""

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Your balance is {0,2:f} US cents",

            ' Create a JSON with the extra data
            Dim atbParams = "{""proxy"": """ + proxy + """," +
                                   """proxytype"": """ + proxyType + """," +
                                   """apiserver"": """ + apiserver + """," +
                                   """appid"": """ + appid + """," +
                                   """pageurl"": """ + pageurl + """}"

            ' Create the payload with the type and the extra data
            Dim extraData As New Hashtable()
            extraData.Add("type", 24)
            extraData.Add("atb_params", atbParams)

            ' Upload a CAPTCHA and poll for its status.  Put the Token CAPTCHA
            ' Json payload, CAPTCHA type and desired solving timeout (in seconds)
            ' here. If solved, you'll receive a DeathByCaptcha.Captcha object.
            Dim captcha As Captcha = client.Decode(DeathByCaptcha.Client.DefaultTimeout, extraData)
            If captcha IsNot Nothing Then
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("CAPTCHA {0:d} solved: {1}", captcha.Id,

                ' Report an incorrectly solved CAPTCHA.
                ' Make sure the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly solved, do not
                ' just report it at random, or you might be banned as abuser.
                ' If client.Report(captcha) Then
                '    Console.WriteLine("Reported as incorrectly solved")
                ' Else
                '    Console.WriteLine("Failed reporting as incorrectly solved")
                ' End If
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class

    * Death by Captcha Node.js API atb usage example

    const dbc = require('../deathbycaptcha');

    const username = 'username';     // DBC account username
    const password = 'password';     // DBC account password
    const token_from_panel = 'your-token-from-panel';   // DBC account authtoken

    // Proxy and atb data
    const atb_params = JSON.stringify({
        'proxy': 'http://user:[email protected]:1234',
        'proxytype': 'HTTP',
        'appid': 'af23e041b22d000a11e22a230fa8991c',
        'pageurl': ''
        'apiserver': ''

    // Death By Captcha Socket Client
    // const client = new dbc.SocketClient(username, password);
    // Death By Captcha http Client
    const client = new dbc.HttpClient(username, password);

    // To use token authentication the first parameter must be "authtoken"
    // const client = new dbc.HttpClient("authtoken", token_from_panel);

    // Get user balance
    client.get_balance((balance) => {

    // Solve captcha with type 24 & atb_params extra arguments
    client.decode({extra: {type: 24, atb_params: atb_params}}, (captcha) => {

        if (captcha) {
            console.log('Captcha ' + captcha['captcha'] + ' solved: ' + captcha['text']);

            * Report an incorrectly solved CAPTCHA.
            * Make sure the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly solved!
            *['captcha'], (result) => {
            *   console.log('Report status: ' + result);
            * });



Statut: OK

Les serveurs sont pleinement opérationnels avec un temps de réponse plus rapide que la moyenne.
  • Temps de résolution moyen
  • 1 secondes - Normal CAPTCHAs (1 min. il y a)
  • 53 secondes - reCAPTCHA V2, V3 (1 min. il y a)
  • 34 secondes - autres (1 min. il y a)
Chrome and Firefox logos
Extensions du navigateur disponibles

Mises à jour

  1. Nov 14: RESOLVED - Today we experienced API instability between 18:00hrs & 19:00hrs (GMT-4). The main issue was resolved, so CAPTCHA solving is working as usual, however, there might be some stats anomalies that will shortly be fixed. In the meantime, if you need assistance, contact us at and we'll gladly assist you. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding.
  2. Sep 27: LIMITED WEEK-END PROMOTION! 20% OFF ON 2CHECKOUT PACKAGES IF YOU ORDER BETWEEN SEPT 28 & 29 (GMT-4). Get your CAPTCHAs at and then contact us at with your order's detail to claim your freebies!
  3. Sep 13: We experienced a brief login issue today, which has now been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

  4. Mises à jour précédentes…


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