
Descargue los códigos de ejemplo basados en el cliente API:

Nuevo soporte de API de HCAPTCHA

¿Qué son los desafíos "Hcaptcha"?

Son desafíos que generalmente requieren que el usuario se alinee y haga clic en ciertas imágenes.

Para su conveniencia, implementamos soporte para la API HCAPTCHA. Si su software funciona con él y admite una configuración mínima, debería poder decodificar HCAPTCHAS usando Death By Captcha en poco tiempo.

  • Hcaptcha API: Proporcionada una URL del sitio y la clave del sitio HCaptcha, la API devuelve un token que usará para enviar el formulario en la página con el desafío HCAPTCHA.


Por el momento, el precio es $3.99/1K por desafíos de HCAPTCHA resueltos correctamente. No se le facturará por HCAPTCHA reportado como resuelto incorrectamente. Tenga en cuenta que este precio se aplica solo a los nuevos desafíos de HCaptcha, por lo que solo los clientes que usan esta API específica se cobrarán dicha tarifa.

HCAPTCHA API Preguntas frecuentes:

¿Cuál es la URL de la API de HCAPTCHA?

Para usar la API HCAPTCHA tendrá que enviar una solicitud de HTTP POST a http://api.dbcapi.me/api/captcha

¿Cuáles son los parámetros POST para la API Hcaptcha?

  • username: El nombre de usuario de su cuenta de DBC
  • password: La contraseña de su cuenta de DBC
  • type=7: Tipo 7 especifica que esto es un HCaptcha API
  • hcaptcha_params=json(payload): los datos para acceder al desafío HCAPTCHA
  • Estructura de carga utilizando JSON:
    • proxy: Su url de proxy y credenciales (si las hay). Ejemplos:
    • proxytype: Su protocolo de conexión proxy. Para conocer los tipos de proxy compatibles, consulte ¿Qué tipos de proxy son compatibles?. Ejemplo:
      • HTTP
    • sitekey: La clave del sitio HCAPTCHA del sitio web con HCAPTCHA.


      • 56489210-0c02-58c0-00e5-1763b63dc9d4

      Debe localizar la clave del sitio de HCAPTCHA. Puede localizar el elemento div de hcaptcha y verificar el valor del parámetro data-sitekey.

    • pageurl: La URL de la página con los desafíos HCaptcha. Esta URL debe incluir el camino en el que se carga el HCAPTCHA. Ejemplo: si el hcaptcha que desea resolver está en http://test.com/path1, Pageurl debe ser http://test.com/path1 y no http://test.com.

    El parámetro proxy es opcional, pero recomendamos encarecidamente usar uno para evitar el rechazo de la página proporcionada debido a inconsistencias entre la IP que resolvió el captcha (el nuestro si no se proporciona ningún proxy) y la IP que presentó la solución para la verificación (tuya).

    Nota: Si se proporciona proxy, proxytype es un parámetro requerido.

    Ejemplo completo de hcaptcha_params:

        'proxy': 'http://user:[email protected]:1234',
        'proxytype': 'HTTP',
        'sitekey': '56489210-0c02-58c0-00e5-1763b63dc9d4',
        'pageurl': 'https://testsite.com/xxx-test'

    Ejemplo completo de hcaptcha_params: with optional rqdata

        'proxy': 'http://user:[email protected]:1234',
        'proxytype': 'HTTP',
        'sitekey': '56489210-0c02-58c0-00e5-1763b63dc9d4',
        'pageurl': 'https://testsite.com/xxx-test'
        'rqdata': 'rqdata-parameter-from-site'

¿Cuál es la respuesta de la API HCaptcha?

La respuesta de la API HCAPTCHA tiene la siguiente estructura. Es válido para un uso y tiene una vida útil de 2 minutos. Será una cadena como la siguiente:


¿Qué tipos de proxy son compatibles?

Actualmente, solo se admiten http proxies. El soporte para otros tipos se agregará en el futuro.

Uso de HCAPTCHA API con clientes API:

     * Death by Captcha PHP API hcaptcha usage example
     * @package DBCAPI
     * @subpackage PHP

     * DBC API clients
    require_once '../deathbycaptcha.php';

    $username = "username";  // DBC account username
    $password = "password";  // DBC account password
    $token_from_panel = "your-token-from-panel";  // DBC account authtoken

    // Use DeathByCaptcha_SocketClient() class if you want to use SOCKET API.
    $client = new DeathByCaptcha_HttpClient($username, $password);
    $client->is_verbose = true;

    // To use token the first parameter must be authtoken.
    // $client = new DeathByCaptcha_HttpClient("authtoken", $token_from_panel);

    echo "Your balance is {$client->balance} US cents\n";

    // Set the proxy and hcaptcha token data
    $data = array(
        'proxy' => 'http://user:[email protected]:1234',
        'proxytype' => 'HTTP',
        'sitekey' => '56489210-0c02-58c0-00e5-1763b63dc9d4',
        'pageurl' => 'https://client-demo.testsite.com/test-hcaptcha'
    //Create a json string
    $json = json_encode($data);

    //Put the type and the json payload
    $extra = [
        'type' => 7,
        'hcaptcha_params' => $json,

    // Put null the first parameter and add the extra payload
    if ($captcha = $client->decode(null, $extra)) {
        echo "CAPTCHA {$captcha['captcha']} uploaded\n";


        // Poll for CAPTCHA indexes:
        if ($text = $client->get_text($captcha['captcha'])) {
            echo "CAPTCHA {$captcha['captcha']} solved: {$text}\n";

            // Report an incorrectly solved CAPTCHA.
            // Make sure the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly solved!

    # hcaptcha
    import deathbycaptcha
    import json

    # Put your DBC account username and password here.
    username = "username"
    password = "password"

    # you can use authtoken instead of user/password combination
    # activate and get the authtoken from DBC users panel
    authtoken = "authtoken"

    # to use socket client
    # client = deathbycaptcha.SocketClient(username, password)

    # to use authtoken
    # client = deathbycaptcha.SocketClient(username, password, authtoken)

    client = deathbycaptcha.HttpClient(username, password)

    # Put the proxy and hcaptcha data
    Captcha_dict = {
        'proxy': 'http://user:[email protected]:1234',
        'proxytype': 'HTTP',
        'sitekey': '56489210-0c02-58c0-00e5-1763b63dc9d4',
        'pageurl': 'https://client-demo.testsite.com/test-hcaptcha'

    # Create a json string
    json_Captcha = json.dumps(Captcha_dict)

        balance = client.get_balance()

        # Put your CAPTCHA type and Json payload here:
        captcha = client.decode(type=7, hcaptcha_params=json_Captcha)
        if captcha:
            # The CAPTCHA was solved; captcha["captcha"] item holds its
            # numeric ID, and captcha["text"] its text token solution.
            print("CAPTCHA %s solved: %s" % (captcha["captcha"], captcha["text"]))

            if '':  # check if the CAPTCHA was incorrectly solved

    except deathbycaptcha.AccessDeniedException:
        # Access to DBC API denied, check your credentials and/or balance
        print("error: Access to DBC API denied, check your credentials and/or balance")


    import com.DeathByCaptcha.AccessDeniedException;
    import com.DeathByCaptcha.Client;
    import com.DeathByCaptcha.HttpClient;
    import com.DeathByCaptcha.SocketClient;
    import com.DeathByCaptcha.Captcha;
    import org.json.JSONObject;

    import java.io.IOException;

    class ExampleHcaptcha {
        public static void main(String[] args)
                throws Exception {

            // Put your DBC username & password or authtoken here:
            String username = "your_username_here";
            String password = "your_password_here";
            String authtoken = "your_authtoken_here";

            /* Death By Captcha Socket Client
               Client client = (Client) (new SocketClient(username, password));
               Death By Captcha http Client */
            Client client = (Client) (new HttpClient(username, password));
            client.isVerbose = true;

            /* Using authtoken
               Client client = (Client) new HttpClient(authtoken); */

            try {
                try {
                    System.out.println("Your balance is " + client.getBalance()
                                                          + " US cents");
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.out.println("Failed fetching balance: " + e.toString());

                Captcha captcha = null;
                try {
                    // Proxy and hcaptcha data
                    String proxy = "http://user:[email protected]:1234";
                    String proxytype = "http";
                    String sitekey = "029EF0D3-41DE-03E1-6971-466539B47725";
                    String pageurl = "https://client-demo.testsite.com/test-funcaptcha";
                    /* Upload a hcaptcha and poll for its status with 120 seconds timeout.
                       Put your proxy, proxy type, page sitekey, page url and solving
                       timeout (in seconds) 0 or nothing for the default timeout value. */
                    captcha = client.decode(7, proxy, proxytype, sitekey, pageurl);

                    //other method is to send a json with the parameters
                    JSONObject json_params = new JSONObject();
                    json_params.put("proxy", proxy);
                    json_params.put("proxytype", proxytype);
                    json_params.put("sitekey", sitekey);
                    json_params.put("pageurl", pageurl);
                    captcha = client.decode(7, json_params);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.out.println("Failed uploading CAPTCHA");
                if (null != captcha) {
                    System.out.println("CAPTCHA " + captcha.id + " solved: "
                                                               + captcha.text);

                    /* Report incorrectly solved CAPTCHA if necessary.
                       Make sure you've checked if the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly
                       solved, or else you might get banned as abuser. */
                    /*try {
                        if (client.report(captcha)) {
                            System.out.println("Reported as incorrectly solved");
                        } else {
                                "Failed reporting incorrectly solved CAPTCHA");
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                           "Failed reporting incorrectly solved CAPTCHA:" + e.toString());
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Failed solving CAPTCHA");
            } catch (com.DeathByCaptcha.Exception e) {



    // hcaptcha

    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using DeathByCaptcha;

    namespace DBC_Examples.examples
        public class HcaptchaExample
            public void Main()
                // Put your DeathByCaptcha account username and password here.
                string username = "your username";
                string password = "your password";
                // string token_from_panel = "your-token-from-panel";

                /* Death By Captcha Socket Client
                   Client client = (Client) new SocketClient(username, password);
                   Death By Captcha http Client */
                Client client = (Client) new HttpClient(username, password);

                /* To use token authentication the first parameter must
                be "authtoken".
                Client client = (Client) new HttpClient("authtoken",
                                                        token_from_panel); */

                // Put your Proxy credentials and type here
                string proxy = "http://user:[email protected]:1234";
                string proxyType = "HTTP";
                string sitekey = "56489210-0c02-58c0-00e5-1763b63dc9d4";
                string pageurl = "https://client-demo.testsite.com/test-hcaptcha";

                string hcaptchaParams = "{\"proxy\": \"" + proxy + "\"," +
                                        "\"proxytype\": \"" + proxyType + "\"," +
                                        "\"sitekey\": \"" + sitekey + "\"," +
                                        "\"pageurl\": \"" + pageurl + "\"}";
                    double balance = client.GetBalance();

                    /* Upload a CAPTCHA and poll for its status. Put the hCaptcha
                       Json payload, CAPTCHA type and desired solving timeout
                       (in seconds) here. If solved, you'll receive a
                       DeathByCaptcha.Captcha object. */
                    Captcha captcha = client.Decode(Client.DefaultTimeout,
                        new Hashtable()
                            {"type", 7},
                            {"hcaptcha_params", hcaptchaParams}

                    if (null != captcha)
                        /* The CAPTCHA was solved; captcha.Id property holds
                        its numeric ID, and captcha.Text holds its text. */
                        Console.WriteLine("CAPTCHA {0} solved: {1}",
                            captcha.Id, captcha.Text);

    //                  if ( /* check if the CAPTCHA was incorrectly solved */)
    //                  {
    //                      client.Report(captcha);
    //                  }
                catch (AccessDeniedException e)
                    /* Access to DBC API denied,
                                check your credentials and/or balance */
                    Console.WriteLine("<<< catch : " + e.ToString());


    Imports DeathByCaptcha

    Public Class Hcaptcha
        Sub Main(args As String())

            ' Put your DBC username & password or authtoken here:
            Dim username = "username"
            Dim password = "password"
            Dim token_from_panel = "your-token-from-panel"

            ' DBC Socket API client
            ' Dim client As New SocketClient(username, password)
            ' DBC HTTP API client
            Dim client As New HttpClient(username, password)

            ' To use token auth the first parameter must be "authtoken"
            ' Dim client As New HttpClient("authtoken", token_from_panel)

            ' Proxy and hcaptcha data
            Dim proxy = "http://user:[email protected]:1234"
            Dim proxyType = "HTTP"
            Dim sitekey = "56489210-0c02-58c0-00e5-1763b63dc9d4"
            Dim pageurl = "https://client-demo.testsite.com/test-hcaptcha"

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Your balance is {0,2:f} US cents",

            ' Create a JSON with the extra data
            Dim hcaptchaParams = "{""proxy"": """ + proxy + """," +
                                 """proxytype"": """ + proxyType + """," +
                                 """sitekey"": """ + sitekey + """," +
                                 """pageurl"": """ + pageurl + """}"

            ' Create the payload with the type and the extra data
            Dim extraData As New Hashtable()
            extraData.Add("type", 7)
            extraData.Add("hcaptcha_params", hcaptchaParams)

            ' Upload a CAPTCHA and poll for its status.  Put the hCaptcha
            ' Json payload, CAPTCHA type and desired solving timeout (in seconds)
            ' here. If solved, you'll receive a DeathByCaptcha.Captcha object.
            Dim captcha As Captcha = client.Decode(
                                    DeathByCaptcha.Client.DefaultTimeout, extraData)
            If captcha IsNot Nothing Then
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("CAPTCHA {0:d} solved: {1}",
                                                captcha.Id, captcha.Text))

                ' Report an incorrectly solved CAPTCHA.
                ' Make sure the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly solved, do not
                ' just report it at random, or you might be banned as abuser.
                ' If client.Report(captcha) Then
                '    Console.WriteLine("Reported as incorrectly solved")
                ' Else
                '    Console.WriteLine("Failed reporting as incorrectly solved")
                ' End If
            End If
        End Sub

    * Death by Captcha Node.js API hcaptcha usage example

    const dbc = require('../deathbycaptcha');

    const username = 'username';     // DBC account username
    const password = 'password';     // DBC account password
    const token_from_panel = 'your-token-from-panel';   // DBC account authtoken

    // Proxy and hcaptcha token data
    const hcaptcha_params = JSON.stringify({
        'proxy': 'http://username:[email protected]:3128',
        'proxytype': 'HTTP',
        'sitekey': '56489210-0c02-58c0-00e5-1763b63dc9d4',
        'pageurl': 'https://client-demo.testsite.com/test-hcaptcha'

    // Death By Captcha Socket Client
    // const client = new dbc.SocketClient(username, password);
    // Death By Captcha http Client
    const client = new dbc.HttpClient(username, password);

    // To use token authentication the first parameter must be "authtoken"
    // const client = new dbc.HttpClient("authtoken", token_from_panel);

    // Get user balance
    client.get_balance((balance) => {

    // Solve captcha with type 7 & token_params extra arguments
    client.decode({extra: {type: 7, hcaptcha_params: hcaptcha_params}},
       (captcha) => {

        if (captcha) {
            console.log('Captcha ' + captcha['captcha'] + ' solved: '
                                                    + captcha['text']);

            * Report an incorrectly solved CAPTCHA.
            * Make sure the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly solved!
            * client.report(captcha['captcha'], (result) => {
            *   console.log('Report status: ' + result);
            * });


Estado: OK

Los servidores están completamente operativos con un tiempo de respuesta más rápido que el promedio.
  • Tiempo medio de resolución
  • 2 segundos - Normal CAPTCHAs (1 min. atrás)
  • 31 segundos - reCAPTCHA V2, V3, etc (1 min. atrás)
  • 18 segundos - hCAPTCHA & otros (1 min. atrás)
Chrome and Firefox logos
Extensiones de navegador disponibles


  1. Apr 26: RESOLVED - The deathbycaptcha.com website (the API remained/remains fully functional) was sporadically inaccessible due to network issues on April 25th & 26th. This situation was fully resolved and everything is back to 100%.
  2. Feb 26: NEW TYPE ADDED - Now supporting Friendly CAPTCHA!! See the details at https://deathbycaptcha.com/api/friendly
  3. Nov 22: Now supporting Amazon WAF!! See the details at https://deathbycaptcha.com/api/amazonwaf

  4. Actualizaciones anteriores…


Nuestro sistema está diseñado para ser completamente fácil de usar. Si tiene algún problema con él, simplemente envíenos un correo electrónico a Correo electrónico de soporte técnico de DBC com, y un agente de soporte se comunicará con usted lo antes posible.

Soporte en vivo

Disponible de lunes a viernes (10 am a 4 pm EST) Live support image. Link to live support page