Apa yang dikatakan pelanggan kami tentang layanan kami:

Status: OK

Server beroperasi penuh dengan waktu respons yang lebih cepat dari rata-rata.
  • Waktu penyelesaian rata-rata
  • 2 detik - Normal CAPTCHAs (1 menit. yang lalu)
  • 28 detik - reCAPTCHA V2, V3, etc (1 menit. yang lalu)
  • 14 detik - hCAPTCHA & yang lain (1 menit. yang lalu)
Chrome and Firefox logos
Ekstensi browser tersedia


  1. Apr 26: RESOLVED - The deathbycaptcha.com website (the frontend - the API has remained and remains fully functional ) has been sporadically unavailable since approx. April 25th, due to network issues with some of our server provider(s). While we resolve this, to access the service and buy packages, you can access https://deathbycaptcha.me/. If your package is not automatically added to your DBC.com account as usual, just contact us ([email protected]) with your order details and we'll have it credited in less than 16hrs. Our support channels (https://deathbycaptcha.me/en/contact) will remain open to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding during this challenging time. Thank you for your continued support.
  2. Feb 26: NEW TYPE ADDED - Now supporting Friendly CAPTCHA!! See the details at https://deathbycaptcha.com/api/friendly
  3. Nov 22: Now supporting Amazon WAF!! See the details at https://deathbycaptcha.com/api/amazonwaf

  4. পূর্ববর্তী আপডেট…


Sistem kami dirancang untuk sepenuhnya ramah pengguna dan mudah digunakan. Jika Anda memiliki masalah dengan itu, cukup email kami diEmail dukungan teknis DBC com, dan agen dukungan akan menghubungi Anda sesegera mungkin.

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