Human-powered CAPTCHA Solvers Can Help Support the Global Community

An automated CAPTCHA solver can be implemented either by using a third-party CAPTCHA service like to solve the puzzle or by creating a bot that uses OCR (optical character recognition) to make an attempt to solve the CAPTCHA. There are significant challenges to each of these two approaches. While using a human-powered CAPTCHA device similar to what is used by services like Death By Captcha or is much more accurate since there are people on the other end of the computer making a judgement call, they can also be slightly slower than an OCR device, especially if you’re trying to use the service during a peak usage period.

Human-powered CAPTCHA solvers can also be a bit more expensive. Consider the difference in time and effort between a human typing in a few letters to solve a CAPTCHA and a machine making their best guess--the human is going to take longer, and depending on the type of CAPTCHA, is likely to do a more accurate job as well. Timeouts can also be a big issue with CAPTCHA solvers like the page with the CAPTCHA on it times out before a human is able to solve the riddle, a new CAPTCHA puzzle is presented and the clock starts over again. in this case, latency is definitely not your friend!

Antigate provides a real-time CAPTCHA-to-text decoding, by allowing your software to upload a CAPTCHA to servers via a custom API, which then returns the solved CAPTCHA to you via API within seconds. While the average decoding time is 15 seconds for, this still pales in comparison to the average solve time for Death By Captcha of 11 seconds. In the world of huge numbers of transactions, the 4 second difference in each transaction can make a significant difference in the number of transactions that can be handled per hour and per day.

The global benefit that both services offer is that they are supporting the global economy. Workers from all over the world can log in and solve CAPTCHAs, helping individual organizations continue to conduct business in a timely and effective manner and also supporting their families with additional income at the same time. With the difficulty in certain parts of the world of earning enough income to buy food and necessary basics for their families, businesses such as and Death By Captcha allow people to maintain basic human dignities and aid their family.

Status: High Load

Servers are fully operational, but the response time may be, temporarily, higher than average.
  • Average solving time
  • 1 seconds - Normal CAPTCHAs (1 min. ago)
  • 38 seconds - reCAPTCHA V2, V3, etc (1 min. ago)
  • 15 seconds - hCAPTCHA & others (1 min. ago)
Chrome and Firefox logos
Browser extensions available


  1. Apr 26: RESOLVED - The website (the API remained/remains fully functional) was sporadically inaccessible due to network issues on April 25th & 26th. This situation was fully resolved and everything is back to 100%.
  2. Feb 26: NEW TYPE ADDED - Now supporting Friendly CAPTCHA!! See the details at
  3. Nov 22: Now supporting Amazon WAF!! See the details at

  4. Previous updates…


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